Calm Water Business Partner, LLC

My Boss is a Jerk

“My boss is a jerk” is the number one reason I hear why anyone wants to leave their current job. I hear this sentiment expressed in a variety of ways at least twice a week and usually more often.  It is said that people don’t leave a job or a company, they leave a bad boss.

It may sound like a lame reason to quit a job that you love. However, forty hours (plus) a week working for someone who treats you badly, yells at you, throws things, threatens, belittles, shuns, snubs, puts down privately or in a group…well it can be too much to take.

How to Know It’s Time to Leave

If you love your job in general, the work itself, the challenges of the role, your co-workers, the salary, the commute and everything else, but every day you have to work for someone who is truly a jerk, it may be time to leave.

If you can’t sleep at night, have chewed all your fingernails off, are drinking heavily, doing recreational drugs or self-medicating to be able to face another day with your boss…it may be time to leave.

If you have lost or gained weight without trying, start to get sick to your stomach when you walk in the door at work in the morning, start to shake at the thought of being in the same room with your boss…it may be time to leave.

If you find every time you talk with friends or family, the only thing you can think of to talk about is how horrible your boss is…it may be time to leave.

When you come to the realization that your boss is dominating and draining the joy from your life, 24/7 … it may be time to leave.


No one can make you feel this way unless you give them the power to do it to you.  I know this sounds like psychobabble, but if you truly love everything else about your job except for your boss, you may be able to stay if you can figure out how to take away his or her power over you.

This sounds simple.  However, if it was easy, this would not be the number one reason I hear for why employees want to find a new job.

Most importantly, there is no reason why anyone needs to go into work every day dreading the experience.  So, dust off that resume and get started looking for a better opportunity, or the same opportunity with a better boss!

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